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Nick A
S2 licensed
Thanks for your help again. Maybe it is working then. I'll see if I can get my brother to test it. If not what's the best way to test it from your own machine? A few days ago I could see it on LFS world but my brother said he couldn't find it in the game so i guess that's not a good test.
Nick A
S2 licensed
Thanks. I can't see it on Browse For Speed either though which is more worrying - should I be able to? PS: I'm just setting up a game in LFS rather than a dedicated host.
Hosting with Netgear DG834GT
Nick A
S2 licensed
Has anyone ever got an LFS server running with this router (Netgear DG834GT)? I've got port forwarding setup, but my game won't appear on the server list. It does appear on LFSWorld under hosts online though. Had it working on my old router fine so I'm wodnering whether it's me or my router! Any help appreciated!
Nick A
S2 licensed
The same is true of setups. I was racing last night and the car seemed to be on rails - then I realised I had accidentally used Barlin's set again - it's so stable. After using my own set for a bit, and then Maurizio's I was much quicker than the last time I used Barlin's. I think I've improved my driving somehow by using different setups.
Nick A
S2 licensed
Thanks for that! You're pretty consistent (not to mention quick!) in the 1st sector, despite really scrubbing the tyres on entry into turn 1, I'll give that a go. One thing I noticed is that you seem to be using R2 tyres is that right? Every set I have seen until now has used R1 for FOX/BL.
Nick A
S2 licensed
I'm in. Password please! Thanks
Nick A
S2 licensed
Quote from MakeSpeed : I want to use it with an lcd as a dash.

Can you post some pics when you've done it and tell us how? What screen to you intend to use?
Nick A
S2 licensed
Thanks! Does Maurizio know you've posted his set here though? I have raced against him (er, well raced behind him then ) and yes he is not only fast but really consistent. Sounds like his set is similar to mine is now, I've got a bit of oversteer and low wing settings too (but my pb is only 1:08:23 at the moment ).

As you say you can't practice T1 enough. I must have driven a few thousand laps now and I'm still slowly improving on T1. I've analysed a bit with the new LRA tool but I've really only improved through practice. It's an amazingly difficult corner, and almost impossible to fluke.
Nick A
S2 licensed
Thanks for the replies. From what you said I take it that the comparison is made between the rotational wheel speed and the C of G of the car, rather than the speed calculated at the location of the wheels (to take into account the extra/reduced speed the wheels travel in relation to the ground due to the cornering radius)?
Nick A
S2 licensed
Thanks! Probably a stupiud question but what is the "slip ratio"?
Nick A
S2 licensed
Looks great! I've never tried F1PerfView after I read it was not very user friendly. It actually looks quite good though, but this looks even better. Could someone please post a raf file so I can try it again, I don't have LFS with me at the moment? Thanks.
Nick A
S2 licensed
Hey Mumble! Thanks, I have noticed too that the harder I try, the later I brake into T1. If I actually brake a bit earlier I tend to be faster through the first split. Also found as you did that tight on the apex is best.

As for thinking, I go to bed thinking about how to improve on T1, I can't help it (I know, I need to get out more) Interesting point about watching people online, I hadn't noticed that.

Maybe see you on Redline sometime.
Nick A
S2 licensed
I recently bit the bullet and decided to try and make my own setup. I started with Tom's but I've changed almost everything now. It's worked really well and I've brought my best time down to 1:08:29

I think that I am missing something on braking into T1 though. I've watched Maurizio (?) racing and he can get away with braking later, not sure how he's done it. I was trying to work out what i could do with the diff to improve braking into T1 but I only vaguely understand how diffs work. Any ideas?
Nick A
S2 licensed
If I go to bed every night thinking about how I can improve my lap times and can't get to sleep because of it does that mean I'm addicted? :revs:
Have been hooked on race sims ever since Formula One Simulator (see avatar) on The Commodore plus 4...
Nick A
S2 licensed
Saw you on there briefly last night Gizz, but you left shortly after I joined. Got my time down to 1:08:55 now, but I know I can do better as I can do faster sectors, I just can't roll them into one lap. I'm a bit inconsistent on T1 too.
Nick A
S2 licensed
Hi Gizz - some good advice there I think (I have learnt some of it the hard way!!)

I found the floating widget (for anyone else it's and there is a link in the setup guide to the steup analyser) - thanks for that, sounds like just what I've been looking for. I've read the basic guide on the wiki which was fine as a background to what each feature does but doesn't give much info on the interactions between variables. Consequently I've been concentrating on improving my driving up till now, nad leaving the setup alone.

What's your racer name by the way? Maybe see you on Redline sometime...
Nick A
S2 licensed
Good work! You're faster than me now, I've got slower over the last week. But I thought I'd try what you did last night and I watched TomBarlin's best lap as I'm using his set and I matched my PB again! He drives very differently to Killboy, despite the fact that kb set a very good time using his set. Now I oversteer into T1 and seem to be able to get the power on earlier. I hope I'll be able to get to 1:08:50 with a few more laps practice.
Nick A
S2 licensed
I meant the "25" (metres?) marker board. It sounds like you're doing OK if you're at full throttle from the apex of T1. You could try what I described above, I can get around 33:60s doing that. You could have a look at my hotlap (download from lfsworld, username Nick A - 1:08:67, currently about 105th place I think ) if you're using Tom's setup from above because that's what I used for that lap. Good luck...
Nick A
S2 licensed
Well I've been using Tom's setup for a few weeks now, and I've busted a gut to get to 1:08:67 (which I've done 3 times - consistant at least). 33:39 is my best on the 1st split - needs to be quicker I think as the rest is Ok, just need a bit more practice on the penultimate turn.

Killboy - can you describe how you go through T1? I've watched your WR replay several times: you seem to brake and drop 2 gears at the 75 mark, then drop to 3rd at 25 and gently turn off the curb as you release the brake. Then you seem to get the power down before the apex - goodness know how - I loose it if I try that. Is that about right? Any tips appreciated!

Anyway it's good to know this setup can get down below 1:08, I won't give up till I get there (but I may be very old by then...)
Nick A
S2 licensed
Luck, my eye!

So is the setup on Inferno (think that's where i got it from) not the one you used to do the record?
Nick A
S2 licensed
No offence...but I've no idea how you got that record with it! I can't get under 1:09 with it.
Nick A
S2 licensed
Tombarlin - that's an excellent set. I've tried about 10 sets now and this is the best yet. The grip through the first and last corners is amazing and it's so much more stable than Biohazard's. I've already beaten my PB (now 1:08.86) with it and I'm sure there's more to come off that. I think it'll be a while till I'm into the 7's though.
Nick Whitney
S2 licensed
I drove one last week but never had any chance to drive it properly(know what I mean).Build quality is typicly audi superb, They've done away with the alloy centre console brackets as on the old ones but now have a longer centre console in place allowing for more switches and a lcd screen. Not sure about the dimensions but it looks loads bigger than the old one until you get inside and it's still fairly cramped. Rear seats are the same(only good for 5 year old kids with no legs) Thats about all I noticed(and some wierd strenthening brackets under the bonnet) Hope this helps.
Nick Whitney
S2 licensed
Any good?
Nick Bandini
S2 licensed
Thanks for this great manual.